Blog Editor’s Note: Mario Vittone is a widely recognized maritime survival expert, long time AFRAS member and has served on our board.

A Coast Guard Station Fire Island boatcrew rescues a distressed boater from an overturned vessel in Fire Island Inlet, October 11, 2016. Coast Guard and local partner agency crews are still searching for a missing person in the vicinity of Fire Island Inlet, New York. (U.S. Coast Guard photo courtesy of Station Fire Island)
Staying With The Boat And Other Safety Myths
Written by Mario Vittone
I’m amazed at how long bad advice perpetuates when it’s given in a catchy phrase. An example: Don’t leave the boat until the boat leaves you. This might be the most misguided advice ever to cross the lips of otherwise sensible men and women. Another example: Red sky at night, sailor’s delight.
These stick around not because they are always true, but because they sound good. Don’t be fooled. The ocean is no place for absolutes, even when they rhyme.
When I was a Coast Guard rescue swimmer, I spent most of my time in the back of a helicopter flying out to sea to look for the lost. Far too often we came back empty, having gotten the call too late or with too little information. I wonder how many of those sailors fell victim to trading precaution for poetics, pinning their hopes to some ditty such as, You don’t step off until you have to step up. These sayings may roll off the tongue easily, but staying aboard your vessel until the last possible minute is almost always a bad idea. With your safety on the line — as well as the safety of your rescuers — you must consider the realities of each situation when making decisions at sea.
Myth 1: You Are Safer On The Boat
Staying with the vessel until it sinks is what sailors did when there was no other choice, before we had VHF radios. If you are offshore without propulsion and cannot arrange a tow, you’re going to abandon your vessel, one way or another. Your choices about how and when will determine the shape you’re in when you do.
In all likelihood, your boat is much tougher than you are. I’ve picked up more than one sailor whose decision to stay with the vessel led to serious injury. A broken collarbone offshore will immediately douse the romance of self-reliant sailing. That your vessel is still afloat is not reason enough to stay aboard. A captain with a broken rudder once told my crew that he was going to “wait it out tonight” and make repairs when seas lay down in the morning. Low on fuel, we returned to base. We never heard from him again, and his vessel was never found.
Opportunities to abandon a boat safely come in windows that open based on such factors as weather, drift, sea state and the availability of rescue assets. The best time to abandon your vessel is when it is safest for you and those who come to get you.
Although rescue organizations will come when it’s dark and stormy, they prefer sunny and calm conditions; the chances of success go up, and risk goes down. An orderly daylight climb over the rail to a waiting vessel may make you feel like you gave up too early, but the alternative is often a harrowing fight against waves in a high-risk nighttime helicopter evacuation, with the potential for someone to be seriously injured — perhaps worse.
Getting off the boat is not the same as leaving the boat. If you are going to inflate the raft, get into it as soon as possible, particularly in bad weather. It is always better to climb down into the life raft, dry and well-supplied, than to fight your way through waves, hoping you can make it aboard. You don’t have to cut the painter if your vessel is still floating. Being found is about being seen, and rescuers will have a better chance of spotting you if you’re tethered to the boat.