Search and Rescue

Tanzania Sea Rescue & Video – AFRAS in Action

Tanzania Sea Rescue is one of the world's newest volunteer maritime rescue and safety organizations. Less than a year old, it has already: Acquired a rescue boat and recruited over 30 volunteers Had its first rescue Partnered with the Red Cross on water safety...

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AFRAS Fundraising Helped Save 5,000+ Lives

Last year was the deadliest ever for the Mediterranean and Aegean.  But as bad as it was, without the efforts of volunteer lifesavers, it would have been even worse. The Association for Rescue At Sea (AFRAS) was proud to be able to support volunteers who saved over...

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Video: RNLI Crew Rescues Reluctant Evacuee

Maritime Executive By MarEx 2017-01-16 20:09:51 On Friday, a seafarer was evacuated from his ship off Sunderland in a coordinated operation between a volunteer lifeboat crew and a UK Coastguard rescue helicopter. At 1300 hours on Friday, the UK Coastguard Operations...

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2016 Maritime Lifesaving Award Winners Announced

Our Board of Directors has reviewed all submissions for our annual lifesaving awards program, voted on the heroes most deserving of recognition and have selected the following awardees: Vice Admiral Thomas Sargent III Gold Medal – Aviation Survival Technician 1st...

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