Presentation of Silver Award Winner to USCG Auxiliary at their National Convention in Phoenix, AZ August 27th, 2016
(L-R: CAPT F. Thomas Boross, USCG, Chief Director of Auxiliary, Mr. Patrick Porter, USCG Auxiliary, Silver Award Winner, Mr. Wayne Spivak, VP – Association for Rescue at Sea, ADM Paul F. Zukunft, USCG Commandant, COMO Mark Simoni, USCG National Commodore)
The United States Coast Guard Auxiliary recently concluded their national convention in Phoenix, AZ.
Representing the Association for Rescue at Sea was our Vice-President Wayne Spivak who gave a general presentation to the Executive Committee and Staff at a General Meeting on Saturday morning.
Later, at the Awards Banquet, attended by the USCG Commandant, Admiral Paul N Zukunft, Mr. Spivak has the honor and privilege to present the Silver Award Winner to the attendees which included numerous USCG Flag and other Officers, the USCG National Bridge, dignitaries from other nations, Auxiliarists and other guests.
Mr. Patrick Porter will be presented with his Silver Medal at the AFRAS Awards Ceremony held in the Gold Room of the Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC in late September.